Black Gradient Background
Black Gradient Background

Become a


Facebook Seller

Bee Honeycomb Illustration
Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Sales and Marketing leave you feeling...

from Your


Businesswoman Looks Down At Large Gap Between Two Cliffs


Disconnected telephone


Frustrated by

Woman Overwhelmed with Work Concept

by ALL tHe Options?

Feeling Sick and Tired. Frustrated Young Man Massaging His Head While Sitting at His Working Place in Office

Limited Reach?


Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Our Done-With-You ​Marketing Services ​Combines Strategic ​Professional Marketing ​with the Power of ​Community to help you ​Connect, Grow and Thrive.

Business People, Diversity and Celebration in Waiting Room for Recruitment, Winning or Hiring Success at the Office. Happy Group of Intern Candidates Celebrating Victory, Win or Achievement for Hired
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Click Doodle Icon

Become a Featured ​Business Now!

About Us

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Hexadaisy is run by me, Cheryl, a business coach with over 20 ​years of experience and Stevonnie, my son, who wanted ​experience running a business that makes a difference and a ​way to save for college that didn’t interfere with school.

We started Hexadaisy after years of struggling to grow and ​promote our own small businesses, watching the struggles of ​our coaching clients at the Business Witch Academy, and ​watching entrepreneur after entrepreneur crash and burn-out ​with business networks.

Micro-Businesses just don’t have the budgets to hire an army ​of people and mountains of paid ads to market for them.

They also don’t always have the skills, experience, or

time do quality branding & marketing themselves.

Bee Honeycomb Illustration
Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline
Bee Honeycomb Illustration

Did you know that, on average, ​it takes 5-7 conventional ​interactions with a prospect ​to turn them into a customer? ​In the world of social media, ​that number can rise to as high ​as 27!

tab planner organizer

What’s a

tab planner organizer

Small Business

tab planner organizer

To Do?

That is where our Done-With-You Marketing Community ​comes into the picture. Keep reading to learn how it ​works...

What makes us different?

It seems like everyone is an influencer or selling ads, podc​ast appearances, guest blog spots, speaking engagements, S​EO, social media management, networking groups and​ other marketing services and opportunities. How do you choo​se? And​ are you getting your money worth?


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X Mark Illustration
X Mark Illustration

Limited Reach

Single Exposure

X Mark Illustration
X Mark Illustration

No guaranteed benefit

No backlinks

X Mark Illustration
X Mark Illustration


X Mark Illustration


Low Quality that diminishes brand value

The end result?

Zero Results, Zero Sales.

Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow
Woman Overwhelmed with Work Concept
Bee with Heart Doodle


Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Multi-Channel Distribution to over 72K followers

Guaranteed benefit through included business ​coaching and networking opportunities

Repeat Exposure

Multiple backlinks & SEO

Expertly Branded

Cost Effective Advertising

Compelling Customized, Personalized Content Marketing ​consumers look forward to instead of ignore

High Quality

Inspiring & Entertaining Marketing

The end result?

More Brand Awareness

Higher Engagement

More Opportunities

High Return on Investment

More Sales!

Bee Honeycomb Illustration
Bee Honeycomb Illustration

About Our Platforms

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Our online social presence is highly curated and ​expertly branded. When our followers see our posts ​appear in their feed, they instantly know it’s us. All of ​our sponsored content (unless specified otherwise) is ​required to be a value add to our followers and is ​formatted to meet our brand guidelines. This instantly ​transfers our brand trust and recognition to your ​company boosting your ROI.

Bee with Heart Doodle

Engaged Audience

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Aside from our business pages on Facebook, we host 8 ​Facebook Community groups boasting over 50k ​members!

Follow Doodle Icon


Average Followers

Rocket Doodle


Average Reach

Inbox Doodle Icon
Notification Doodle Icon
Facebook Circled
Comment Doodle Icon

Unmistakeable Branding

Gold glitter

Unmistakeable Branding

Gold glitter
Yellow Smoke Cloud
Yellow Smoke Cloud

What You Get

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Our Facebook Featured Business Marketing Program al​low you to leverage the experience, expertise, ​resources and technology of professional marketers a​t a fraction of the cost while leveraging the exponen​tial strength in numbers of a community.

You also h​a​ve the option to access a business coaching group. With o​ver 20 years of business growth, strategic planning ​and business coaching expertise, Cheryl is a reservoir​ of knowledge who can help you solve a wide range​ of business challeng​e​s.

This program requires your participation, but we m​ake it easy. You’ll get more marketing, more reach, m​ore engagement and more results - in a fraction of ​the time and effort it would take you to do all of it alon​e.

Bee Honeycomb Illustration
Bee Honeycomb Illustration
Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Instant Posts in Facebook Group -

bypassing moderation line and restrictions

1 Business Spotlight Post Per Month

Geographically or Niche targeted ​Facebook Group Directory Listings

Twice Monthly Zoom Business Coaching ​and Networking


Bee Honeycomb Illustration
Bee Honeycomb Illustration

What You Do

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As the name suggests, “Done-With-You” and “Community” means ​you do need to put a little time and effort into working with us ​on your marketing. This is how we keep the price low and ​exponentially grow reach! Our job is to make it easy for you.

Here’s what you need to know. Optimally, you’ll do the following:

  • Follow us on social media
  • Subscribe to our mailing list
  • Join our 2x monthly community ​networking & coaching calls
  • Engage often on social media, not ​just with posts about your business, ​but any post. This is where the magic ​happens. We build a community and ​support each other and we all ​benefit.
Flying Honey Bees

Next Steps

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Are you looking to be a featured seller for a local community ​group in South Eastern Pennsylvania, run by Hexadaisy?

Are you looking to be a featured seller for Market Place for ​Pagans and Witches, run by the Business Witch Academy?

Ready to Get Started?

Please remember this is a collaborative ‘done-with-you’ marketing program. The more active and engaged you are, all our clients are, the more success we’ll all see.

Step 1

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

The first step is to follow the social ​media channels we publish to and use ​the Invite/Share buttons to get your ​followers to follow our channels too.

The more followers we have - the more ​reach you get!

  • Follow
  • Invite
  • Share
ícone facebook desenho à mão

Step 2

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Subscribe to our Marketing Newsletter.

  • Business Tips, Advice ​and Resources
subscribe doodle

Step 3

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Join our Facebook Groups...


Step 4

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline
Click Doodle Icon

Get engaged!

Every time you see one of our branded posts

on any of our social media platforms and channels - ​Like, Comment, Share.

The more engagement our posts get - the more ​engagement they will get when it’s your business that’s ​being featured. This is part of our ‘secret sauce’ that ​makes our programs different and more successful.

It takes a whole hive to grow a buzz!

Step 5

Ready to Get Started?

Gold glitter
Gold glitter
Yellow Smoke Cloud

Please remember this is a collaborative ‘done-with-you’ marketing program. The more active and engaged you are, all our clients are, the more success we’ll all see.

Yellow Smoke Cloud

Step 2

Step 1

Step 3

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Subscribe to our Marketing Newsletter.

  • Business Tips, Advice ​and Resources
subscribe doodle
Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

Join our Facebook Group...

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline

The first step is to follow the social ​media channels we publish to and use ​the Invite/Share buttons to get your ​followers to follow our channels too.

The more followers we have - the more ​reach you get!

  • Follow
  • Invite
  • Share
ícone facebook desenho à mão

Step 4

Organic Abstract Square Shape Outline
Click Doodle Icon

Get engaged!

Every time you see one of our branded posts

on any of our social media platforms and channels - ​Like, Comment, Share.

The more engagement our posts get - the more ​engagement they will get when it’s your business that’s ​being featured. This is part of our ‘secret sauce’ that ​makes our programs different and more successful.

It takes a whole hive to grow a buzz!

Step 5